
Never Harm Another for Benefit or Pleasure And Only Expect the Same of Others

Location: Glendale, Wisconsin, United States

Married with two sons. I am an Electrical Controls Engineer that is interested in politics and I have decided to see if I can find a better way for myself, my family, my friends, and my community. I am basing these politics on an idea which I refer to as TheOneLaw: Never Harm Another for Benefit or Pleasure and Only Expect the Same of Others. The majority of people in the US already live by TheOneLaw whether they think of it this way or not. This has allowed the United States to become the best country in the history of the world. From this very simple idea I will be developing a better structure for government that is compatible with the US Constitution. I will also be developing a political platform that is based on TheOneLaw. If there is interest in the idea then I may try to run for office. I would appreciate any comments or assistance in the development of this idea.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The One Law Government Solution

The Problem:
About half of the population of the United States usually votes for Liberals / Democrats and about half usually votes for Conservatives / Republicans. Both parties are trying to prove that their way is right and they do this by passing laws and by winning court rulings at the Federal level of government. Liberal people want liberal laws and Conservative people want conservative laws but no law at the Federal level will satisfy the majority of the 280 million people in the United States which results in a majority of unhappy citizens.

Whichever party holds the majority expands the Federal government and adds laws to prove that their ideals are correct for all 280 million United States citizens. Since it is impossible to force a liberal to become a conservative and it is impossible to force a conservative to become a liberal by passing a law, all that results is ever increasing tension and friction between the two sides. The anger and distrust caused by this drags on both the economic and social development of the United States.

Caught in the middle of this argument over ideals is a large group of moderates that believe that a person who is willing and capable of taking care of their own needs, and is not harming others, should not be told what to do by the government or other citizens. Well intentioned people on both sides of the political spectrum write laws that are supposed to help but inside just create a one size fits all solution that can never solve everyone’s problems.

In the course of our everyday lives most of us only interact with a limited number of people: our family, our network of friends, our co-workers, and other people that live in neighborhood and local community. Problems that occur in other parts of our state, and in the other parts of the United States, do not directly effect us personally but can effect us through the State and Federal taxes that we must pay and the State and Federal laws for which we are held accountable. The methods of taxation and the laws that apply to each citizen have become increasingly complex over the years since the founding of our nation.

In our system of government, ignorance of the law is not an allowable excuse, but the law is now so complex that even the most gifted among us could never be expected to know and understand all of the laws for which he or she is responsible. This is unfair to all citizens, but it is especially unfair to citizens that are uneducated or do not have the resources to hire legal assistance.

The solution is to simplify all laws and taxation to the point where it is understandable to all people that are to be held responsible to that law. Criminal law and taxation are the most important because these laws effect the lives of every citizen of the United States.

One barrier to simplifying the laws is that liberals and conservatives (and every other possible group) have different approaches to how laws should be written and it is very difficult to find consensus. Fortunately, most local communities tend to have common roots and political beliefs so it is easier to find consensus at the local level than it is at the state or federal level of government.

Another barrier is the lack of trust and common beliefs between different communities that causes one community to block the changes that are desired in a neighboring community. To overcome this barrier a common belief must be established between the communities. That common belief must establish a trust between the communities so that each community will be allowed to find local solutions to local problems and to simplify the law for all of the citizens.

The final barrier is that we have prioritized our government so that the next higher level of government can veto any changes to law that are passed at the local level, even if those changes are desired by the local citizens and those changes will not harm anyone outside of that community. The precedence of law and government must be changed so that the adjacent communities, State, and Federal government may only override local laws that cause harm to others outside of that local community or local laws that legalize the harm of one individual or group by another individual or group.

The One Law Solution

Local control would be granted to the Local Government by the appropriate State and Federal governments to any community that passes the One Law Referendum by a 75% Supermajority. All adjacent communities would be allowed the opportunity to veto Local control by the petitioning community with a 75% Supermajority vote against the One Law Referendum.

Authorization for this change in government structure is contained in the First, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution that reserve the primary power of control over the United States government to the people of the United States.

Goals of the One Law Government Solution:

  • Local government control of all laws that effect the citizens of the local community.
  • Local government control of 50% of current tax revenues, which are paid to the State and Federal governments by the taxpayers of that local community.
  • Local control over the type and method of taxation that would be used to collect revenues, which would pay for Local, State, and Federal tax revenue demands.

One Law Referendum
The One Law Referendum is an individual and personal pledge, through your vote in favor of the referendum, that you will embrace the One Law and live by these principles:

  • You will always do what you feel is in your best interests and in the best interests of all people that are effected by your action.
  • You will always defend yourself from harm by another.
  • You will never harm another for your benefit or pleasure.

Your pledge to abide by the One Law will tell the citizens of your community that they may trust you to live among them without fear of harm by you and if harm is committed by any member of the community that person will be held responsible for proportional compensation to the victim. This trust would extend to all of the surrounding communities that members of your community will not harm them and if they do they will be held responsible.

One Law Candidate Project

The One Law Candidate Project will seek candidates from all political parties that agree with the One Law principle and also have a constituency in their local community that agrees with the One Law principle. These candidates would use the One Law as the basis of their campaign for election to any level of government representation as a candidate of their current party. If there is a strong majority of people in the local community that agree with the One Law principle of government then the One Law Referendum process could be attempted.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

OneLawThoughts 2005-03-23

I believe in charity for those that need it, but I do not believe in charity for those that refuse to help themselves.
The only real campaign finance reform is to remove power from your representatives in government. As long as the government has control over this large of a portion of the economy, there will be people who will try to buy favoritism with campaign contributions. Vote for fair and even collection of taxes and local control over the distribution of government services. This will reduce how much money any single government representative has control of and in turn reduce the incentive to attempt to bribe them with campaign cash.
The government is staffed with the same people that the private businesses are staffed with, both government and private companies will always show preference to the highest value customer or taxpayer. If you do not pay taxes, then don’t expect very good service from the government. Try to keep as much of your income as possible through tax cuts and make your own decisions on how that money should be spent to serve your best interests. In the end you will have more money and more happiness.
Both liberals and conservatives attempt to use the government to force others to do what they think is right. A liberal can never be forced to become a conservative and a conservative can never be forced to become a liberal and its time that both liberals and conservatives realize this fact. In the United States we have the freedom to choose how we live our lives and pursue happiness in whatever way we choose as long as we do not hurt others.
If your community is primarily liberal then pass simple liberal local laws or if your community is primarily conservative then pass simple conservative laws. If there are laws that are placed on your local community by the state or federal government that you do not agree with and you can show that rescinding that law will not directly harm anyone then rescind that law and expect compensation for any cost of service from that government.
The primary goal of the One Law is to find a simple plan, which everyone can understand, to make our government better. I am trying to do this but I will need as much help as others are willing to provide in the form of ideas for solutions to the many problems that will be encountered in the process of reforming the government.
Conservatives tend to make laws that tell others what they cannot do; liberals tend to make laws that specify what others should be allowed to do. Libertarians believe that if someone is not hurting anyone then it should not be against the law and if you do harm someone for your benefit or pleasure then you should be held responsible for damages.

This libertarian belief should be expected of all citizens of the United States because it is in the US Constitution and it is the right thing to do for Republicans, conservatives, Democrats, liberals, and every other citizen. Stop punishing other citizens just because they do not agree with your ideals.
Government should be required to provide each citizen with an individual statement of all taxes paid and all services provided just as we expect from every private company that we do business with.
Any law is a reduction of freedom; rescind all laws that dictate the “best” solution for all 280 million citizens of the United States because there is no solution, for any problem, that will be the best for that many people is such diverse communities. Simplify all laws that define the punishment for one individual that harms another, so that the law can be understood by all. A law is only complicated when it provides exclusions and loopholes to allow some to not be held responsible. Restore true freedom.
Freedom requires the presumption of innocence and trust in your fellow citizens that they will not harm you. You will never be able to trust all people in the United States but if you concentrate your efforts on your local community you should be able to accomplish safety and security in the knowledge that your neighbors will not harm you and stop worrying about the problems outside of your community.
Each person has strongly held emotional beliefs on at least one topic. Just make sure that you, or someone else, is being directly harmed before you try to force others to embrace your solution for that topic.
One of my goals with the One Law project is to teach people how to have a better life by not worrying about things that are outside of your control. First you have to decide if you want to have a better life and all that takes is to decide that you want to help and not to harm. You must defend yourself when you have to, but it is easier to avoid bad situations that may lead to problems.
We could simplify the government to the point that everyone could understand what is required of them but if that happened most of the politicians and lawyers would be out of a job. Sounds like a great idea doesn’t it?
The One Law is a principle for living that anyone can and should do. If you can’t or you won’t abide by the One Law then you should be isolated from the rest of society.
Liberals and conservatives have two completely different methods for dealing with a community that they think is bad. The conservatives write laws to throw them in jail and the liberals pay them to be good. Both solutions cost taxpayers outside that community amazing amounts of money but neither solution ever succeeds. Why not just allow the community to take responsibility for the costs and consequences of their actions and help any of the good people in the community to move if they want to move.
The One Law is the perfect filter between your thoughts and your actions. If you have a strong enough filter no harmful thoughts can ever lead to harmful actions. Turn you One Law filter on and have a great life.
It is okay to have any thoughts, good or bad, as long as they do not lead to harmful actions. Do what you want inside your head, but words spoken and actions taken have consequences for which you must take responsibility.
We should ask all of our government representatives to take clear positions on every issue, otherwise how do know they will represent you properly. If they refuse to take clear positions on issues that are important to you, then they are not qualified to represent you.
Every compromise that you make that violates the One Law steals wealth from the whole society and should make your life worse.
The One Law is the only solution that will turn a bad life into a good life from the moment that you choose to implement it. Everyone has a complicated life but the One Law will make all decisions simpler and easier and the results will always be good.
There are a lot of decisions in life. The One Law is always the right decision and everything else is wrong.
If you always try to help yourself and others, then you are a good person. If you try to harm others then you are an evil person. You must decide which type of person that you want to be.
It is perfectly alright for you to not take sides on an issue that you do not understand or that does not effect you. If the issue does not effect you and does not cost you anything it is always better to not take sides. You do not have to research the facts about the issue or worry if you are making the right decision. It’s always easier to just stay out of it.
It is always the victim’s responsibility to seek help and it usually makes it much easier to stop the harm and to hold the criminal responsible. Do your part and make sure that crime does not pay.
Idea for Polling and Research – Verified Anonymous Data – Create a database of information on individuals that is voluntarily provided by the individual on a wide range of topics: medical, spending, interests, politics, etc. The individual would then be able to make that information available to anyone that they want to have it by giving their permission and not allowing any portion of the information to be shared with anyone that they block. This information could also be legally detached from personal identification so that the data could be openly used without fear of that information being used against you. This would allow better and more accurate information on the general public while preventing improper use of personal information.
Freedom combined with the One Law is the perfect government solution for every community in every country. The One Law solution is true civilization.
Your life is as complicated as you decide to make it. Choose the simple path to a better life with the One Law.
Many liberals and conservatives do not expect others to be responsible for their actions because they think that they are not smart enough to make the best decisions for themselves. That attitude is condescending and elitist and it assumes that one person can know more about someone else’s life than that person does and also know what will make them happy. If you expect someone to be irresponsible they will be and that can only lead to bad things for everyone involved. I think that people do not want to hold others responsible to simple rules because they want to get away with breaking those same rules. We should all be able to agree that we do not want others to harm us, so just expect others not to harm you. Each person must decide to do what is in their best interests and it is not your responsibility to assume that they cannot, if they need your help they will ask.
Why do we legislate to the lowest common denominator of 280 million people? We should make clear laws against harm that everyone can understand and legislate our government solutions to problems at the local level.
Big Government is desired and promoted by the controllers (those who tell others what to do) and the controllees (those that want and/or need to be told what to do). One Law Independents (those who are willing to take care of themselves and take responsibility for their actions) are harmed by big government because they are forced to pay taxes for government services that they do not use, want, or need. We should change the government so that it is fair to all and allow those that are willing and able to take care of themselves to opt out of any government provided service and to be compensated for the cost of that service. A strong case can be made for individual opt outs for government provided services based on the First, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
It is not my responsibility to carry another citizen that can walk on their own, but refuses.
Local Public/Private Product (? – or better name) = (Total Local Business/Private Taxes Paid to all levels of Government – Total Local Government Services Provided by all levels of Government) + (Total Local Products/Services Produced – Total Local Products/Services Consumed). The LPPP would provide a good measure of what each local community is providing to or taking from the rest of the state and the United States.
There is a danger when you provide help to someone that does not really need your help. You are teaching them that they do not even have to ask for help that they do not need, to receive help. If this continues the person will learn to expect help from others, whether they need it or not, and they will begin to depend on that help and never bother to learn how to help themselves.

This dependency will always lead to resentment that the help being provided is not enough and the person or persons providing the help will hold power over the beneficiary. If the help would ever be cut off or reduced the person will be unable to meet their own needs and they will then lash out against whomever is providing the help and society for being unfair.

The best help that can be provided is to teach that person how to provide for their own needs instead of teaching them to be dependent on others.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Terri Schiavo

If there is a trust formed to provide for her care through her expected lifetime then the husbands standing should be removed and transferred to the trust. If you believe she has a soul then it is still with her and she is watching the entire world fighting over her interests and that must make her happy.

With the current rate of medical advances in the United States there is a slim possibility that they could find a cure within her lifetime so why risk letting her die why there are plenty of people willing to care for her.

If you do not believe in souls and there is no tax money involved, why should you care?

One Law Local Secession Project Goals

  1. Local control of all laws that directly effect the citizens of the community.
  2. Elimination of all laws that conflict with One Law principles.
  3. Simplification of all laws so that they can be understood by all citizens that are subject to the law.
  4. Simplification of taxation to one means of taxation at each level of government (local, state, federal) that treats each individual citizen equally.
  5. Public accounting of all government provided products and services with accounting standards equivalent to that of the private sector.
  6. Revenue sharing between communities to compensate for demographic differences, that gives local communities control of 50% of the population proportional amount of the state and federal government budgets.

Income Tax Reform

The progressive income tax does not fairly tax the citizens of the United States.

Low Income – Not expected to pay much, if any, income tax. The government services received by low income citizens are then effectively free. This causes a distorted perception of the value of money.

High Income – Expected to pay a higher percentage of income because of progressive tax rates, but due to the influence that comes from having money, loop holes and exemptions are placed in the tax laws to reduce the tax burden. High income earners have the available money and incentive to hire tax accountants and tax lawyers who are specifically trained to find all of the loop holes and exemptions possible which reduces or eliminates the effect of progressive income tax rates.

Middle Class- Includes the significant majority of citizens with incomes that place them in about the center of tax rates. Many of the deductions are not applicable or are too complicated to make them financially significant enough to justify hiring a tax accountant. Because of this the middle class pay a higher overall tax rate than the low income or high income people.

The income tax system should be eliminated and replaced with an individual consumption tax with a discount rate applied to those that are retired at the time of conversion to the consumption tax to minimize double taxation of money that earned prior to conversion to the consumption tax.

OneLawThoughts 2005-03-18

One Law – Always do what is in your best interests, always defend yourself from harm by another, and never harm another for your benefit or pleasure.
Political Psychology
Low income Co-dependent – Need to be told what is in their best interests. Never confident and always feel that someone is out to get them because they are unsure of their decisions. They are co-dependent with those who have a need to tell others what to do. Do not trust independent people.

Independent – Usually in jobs where autonomy and self-direction is necessary usually in moderate to high income. Many independents do not like to be managers or to be responsible to make decisions for others or to tell them what to do.

High income Co-dependent - Needs to tell others what to do and needs subordinates to direct. Tend to be paranoid of challenges to their leadership. They are co-dependent with those that need to be told what to do. Do not trust independent people.
There is only One black and white rule that never changes, if you hurt another you must proportionally compensate the victim. It is the government’s responsibility to assist you to defend yourself.
I believe in fairness and the One Law principles are truly fair to every individual and do not show favoritism to any influential group.
Would you vote for a political candidate that used the One Law principles as the basis for their campaign? Use this as a poll question and record votes and associated zip code. Build a colored map of the United States with shading for level of participation and agreement with the One Law.
Normal is what everyone else wants you to be, average is a mathematical method of taking real world data and predicting what the future will be. Try not be either average or normal, just do what makes you happy, and never hurt others.
I may be an idealist but with the One Law as my ideal why would you not want me to succeed.
You can be very confident when you know that you are right. If you are not harming anyone and you are happy then you can be confident that you are right.
If God or Man make their laws too complicated so that the average person cannot understand the law then you should expect that they will be frustrated with authority and break laws now and then. If you make simple laws that everyone can understand you will have a happier society that follows the rules.
If a politician gives a speech that is loud and emotional, their message must be so weak that they feel they must compensate for that weakness with aggression. The solutions that they present will usually only help one at the expense of another. Ask yourself if it is you that is being harmed.
In the free market you will always be paid what you are really worth, that is why lazy people hate the free market.
Please help me to establish the One Law in your community and all of the benefits will go to you and your community.
If the One Law ever becomes popular (big if!!!). Offer teleconferences with community leaders of adjacent communities for discussion of local problems.
I do make mistakes in the process of recording my thoughts on the One Law. Please let me know if you notice any problems on the website so that I may correct it.
The best form of contract between two parties for a complicated project is a half Fixed Price and half Time/Materials contract. This shares the unknown risks of the project equally between the two parties.
The government should not be involved in the baseball steroids flap. Baseball owners, players, and fans are the only people that have standing in the case. The fans can provide their comments and withhold their dollars if they do not like the solution that is reached between the players and owners.
If you think that you have the best solution to a local problem then implement that solution locally. If your solution succeeds then show other communities so that they may succeed as well.
The judicial and executive branches of government must always be on guard to prevent tyranny of the minority. The legislative branch of government must always be on guard to prevent tyranny of the majority. To avoid tyranny altogether the citizens should demand that control of their government be kept as local as possible. An individual citizen that does not like the local government can vote with their feet and choose a community with laws that they like.
For any given product or service that the private and government sector both provide, the government is always, dollar for dollar, less productive and less efficient. Either demand more from government with the same or less tax revenue, or choose to make your own decisions and spend your money in the private sector.
Every citizen seems to expect something for nothing from the government but in the end you will always get what you pay for and you will always pay for what you get.
I strongly believe in charity for those that need it but I also strongly believe that charity should not be given to those that just refuse to meet their own needs to the best of their ability.
The only real and effective campaign finance reform is to remove the tax revenue and decision making power from the state and federal representatives and transfer that power to your local representatives or to the citizens.
The government is staffed by people, just like every private business, that will show preference to the higher paying customers, or in the government’s case, taxpayers. If you do not pay taxes then expect poor service from government and don’t expect that your demands will be met. Instead of using the government to make your decisions for you why don’t you keep your money and make your own decisions and you will have more money and a happier life.
Both liberals and conservatives use government to try to force others to be just like themselves. A liberal will never be able to force a conservative to become a liberal and a conservative will never be able to force a liberal to become a conservative because in this nation we have the freedom to choose whatever we want to be. If your local community is primarily liberal then pass simple liberal local laws, or if your local community is primarily conservative then pass simple conservative local laws. If you do not like the laws that your community is passing then find a community that is more like you and vote with your feet.
The One Law supersedes all laws created by any government or any other group of people. If you and your community believe in the One Law principles then take local control of your government and tell your neighbors that you will never harm them and that you will defend yourself and your family.
One Law – Always do what is in your best interests, always defend yourself from harm, and never harm another for your benefit or pleasure. There are three parts to the One Law because the One Law will not work effectively unless all three parts are followed.
If do not allow anyone else’s interests effect your decisions then you are wrong.
If do not take your own best interests effect your decisions then you are stupid.
Your community has a choice: One Law based Rule of Law or poverty.
Take the initiative and always do what is in your best interests.
One Law Consultant: I know how to be a good person by following the One Law. If you need help making a decision I would be happy to help.
In our society, if you are not following the One Law, you will have a bad life. If you want to have a good life all you have to do is decide to follow the One Law and you will see an instant improvement.
The One Law can help to guide your decisions but you must first realize that you will not always get your way and you must work with others to find compromise.
Quit bitching because you are not getting your way and start considering the wants and needs of others. If you cannot find compromise then go your own way.
Every word in the language should be ranked by amount of usage on the internet. The most commonly used words are the words that most people know and can be used to reach the widest audience.
For every community that is interested calculate the actual taxes paid by the entire community and the total of government services provided. Then compare these values to the tax revenues and taxes paid to other levels of government under the One Law Local Secession plan. Use FOIA requests to determine the current taxes paid and services provided.
Citizen sponsored gerrymandering of local community political boundaries to group One Law citizens within the same areas.
If you feel that you are not responsible for the food and drugs that you put into your body, then what exactly do you feel you are responsible for? And if you are not responsible for what you put in your body then who is?
Always second check everything a salesman tells you before you complete the agreement or you may get screwed.
We need a simple plan to make government better that everyone can understand and I am trying to develop that plan. If you would like to help please provide your feedback.
%%Conservatives tend to write laws that tell people what others are not allowed to do and liberals tend to write laws to tell people what others should be allowed to do. Libertarians believe that if another person is not harming someone else, then that person is not breaking any laws and if someone harms another for their benefit or pleasure then that person must be held responsible for the damages.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

OneLawThoughts 2005-03-11

If the majority your neighbors that are doing things that you don’t like, then it is very unlikely that you will be able to get all of them to stop. It is easier to find neighbors that are more like yourself and move to their neighborhood. Your life will be happier and less stressful.
The One Law is freedom without harm.
To improve the representation of citizens and the communication between representatives and the citizens they represent, public video remote voting on all bills and motions pending before the United States House and Senate should be allowed. This would allow representatives to live in their home district and allow them to spend most of their time with their constituents. Right now representatives spend to much time in Washington, D.C. which results in Washington centric thinking which does represent the views of the constituency. This will also help to shift federal power back to the home districts where it belongs.
One Law Local Secession –
Hold a referendum that determines how many people within the community agree with the One Law and also determines whether the local community would like to allow the local government to take over selected government services that are provided by the state or federal government. Both of these referendums must pass by a Supermajority of 75% to allow the local community to take over government services and the state or federal government must compensate the local government for the reduction of costs associated with the services taken over by the local government.
One year after the first referendum, if the local public is interested, a second referendum may be held to take over all locally provided government services at the local level.
One Law Referendum-
Tell your fellow citizens in your local community, and the rest of the world, that your community believes in the One Law and that you will not harm them. If you have a One Law Supermajority in your local community you should be allowed by the rest of government to take control of your community and to manage it in the way that you and your neighbors would like.
TheOneLaw ≡ Smart – Smart is knowing what is in your best interests.
Smart people scare anyone who wants to control others by force.
Smart people who want to control others by force should scare everyone.
If you can trust your government and fellow citizens to never hurt you unless you hurt another, then you are truly free to do whatever is in your best interests. It is also in the best interest of society to help citizens to get back on their feet after an unexpected fall but is not in the best interests of society to carry a citizen that has the ability to take of themselves. Smart people and smart communities agree with the One Law because they know what is in their best interests.
If help is offered to me, I will happily accept that help. I will not ask for help unless I need it. If someone asks me for help and they need that help then I will provide help to the best of my ability.
My biggest problem with many citizens is that they expect the government to provide them with all of their needs in life but they want another citizen to pay for it.
Let the people, not the centralized government; take care of the needs of the local community. Localized democracy with inclusion of the One Law principles is the perfect form of government.
If you tell your representatives in government that they need to cut taxes and that representative says that the tax cuts will require a reduction police and fire services first, then that representative is an idiot and deserves to be replaced in the next election if not sooner. Every level of government, in every community, has fat that needs to be trimmed and police/fire department cuts comment has become the standard scare tactic used to deter a community from asking for tax cuts.
Social Security Reform and Tax Reform should be combined. Allow workers to direct 4% of their income into their 401K accounts and transfer the remainder of 8.4% taxation to general revenue taxation. Change general revenue taxation to a flat consumption tax that is paid by all citizens on any consumable that they purchase for business or personal reasons. The new law should be written in less than 1000 words that anyone with an eighth grade reading level can understand.
Every law should be written so that everyone that the law applies to can understand that law without years of law school.
If the majority of the people in a community agrees with a proposed solution and that solution does not violate the One Law, then it must be the best solution to the problem.
Do not expect others to help you more than you help them; and always expect them not to hurt you.
You do not have to be religious to understand why the following rules make sense for everyone:
You will not kill
You will not steal
You will not lie
Or the rest of society will treat you as an outcast and remove your support
The One Law is a theory for the best and most efficient operation of any society. You can pick and choose from the ideas that I present and with each idea that becomes part of your life, the better your life will become.
It is a liberal’s natural tendency to prejudiciously side with the weaker of the two parties in any conflict, even if the weaker party is initiating the violence.
You can be superficial and still have good intentions. There are good salesmen and there are bad salesmen but the bad salesmen give all salesman a bad name. Every group must police its members to maintain the good name of the entire group.
TheOneLaw – Do it because it is the right thing to do. Never say that it cannot be done, because it won’t unless you believe in it.
It is in the society’s best interests when each individual takes care of their own needs to the best of their ability.
To civilize any society you must concentrate your efforts on establishing the rule of law that prevents one citizen from physically harming another citizen or; stealing or destroying their property. People will not invest in themselves, their family, or their community if they feel that their investment will be taken from them.
If you are in any type of bad relationship that you feel is harming you; make the smart decision, cut your losses, and walk away. Find friends and associates that will be happy to help you as much as you help them.
Incorporating TheOneLaw into your life is like being “Born Again” without the ‘in your face preachiness’. If you do not like the way another person lives their life; don’t try to convert them, just don’t associate with them.
Most overachievers do not hurt others, they compete. If someone overachieves at hurting others they must be stopped.
If you tell me your problem I will either tell you what has worked for me or I will help you to find the best solution to your problem. I will never make up an answer just so I don’t look stupid.
A job service such as Monster or HotJobs should develop a “dating service” for people looking for jobs, employers, and communities. A questionnaire should be created that matches employment interests and skills, as well as the interests and politics of the local communities. The questionnaire could be voluntarily completed by the job seekers and the current employees of the hiring company. The results of the employee surveys could be correlated by the neighborhood where they live. This would allow the job seeker to be matched, not only with the company, but also with the community. The questionnaire should ask the most contentious issues of politics, religion, sports, etc. with Agree/Disagree/Don’t Care type answers. If an employee is matched to both his job and the community you will have a happy employee that loves his job and his life outside of work.
The United States foreign policy is not unilateral, we just deal with the other countries of the world on our terms and conditions, and we expect them to do the same. It is our responsibility to exclude nations that intend to harm other nations from the positive benefits that associating with the United States can provide. We should only help nations that want to help the United States and that establish the rule of law for their people.
Always try to find the simplest solution to every problem because it will be the cheapest and the most effective solution. The more complicated the solution is, the more expensive it will be, and the less likely the solution will succeed. The One Law solution is simple and inexpensive and only takes your belief to succeed.
Whatever happened to all of the old common sense sayings like?
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”
“Don’t stick your nose where it does not belong.” Etc.

As a society, we need to bring these back because it seems like everyone has forgot them.
If someone asks you a question don’t just make shit up because you don’t want to look dumb. You would look a lot smarter if you said, “I don’t know but I would be happy to help you find the answer if I can.”
Let people do whatever they want to do unless they hurt another.
Launch Email:
Subject: Would You Agree to One Simple Law?

Never harm another for your benefit or pleasure and always defend yourself from harm by another.

If you agree with TheOneLaw, please forward this email to your friends.
If you do not agree, please tell me why at

If you are interested TheOneLaw please visit me at
Progress always means to find the simpler and cheaper solution to the problem.
Freedom from government through: TheOneLaw Local Secession Project
Establish local control of government with proper compensation from the Federal and State governments for any services that are taken control of locally.
Law version of The One Law: If you harm another intentionally or by your negligence, you must provide proportional compensation to the victim. There are no exceptions to this law for anyone.
Welfare is the unearned transfer of wealth from one citizen to another. You must first provide for yourself to the best of your ability and then ask for help when you need it. If you expect help from others, with no effort on your part to help yourself, then you must expect very poor service.
If you help someone out of the goodness of your heart or if you help someone for equal compensation, you have still helped and the society should thank you for your contribution. If you give to others at least as much as you receive then you are a good person.
If I follow The One Law, then I can be confident that I am always right, and I have no reason to be guilty for anything.
%%The One Law thoughts are the manifesto of a good person.

Libertarians are Non-Interventionalists

It is always hard to pigeon-hole any individual into a political ideology but many who describe libertarians complicate libertarianism beyond what is necessary.

A person that is both Economic and Social Conservative is usually a Republican. The Republican's major downside is that they will use the power of government to prevent another individual from hurting themselves, whether or not that person feels they are hurting themselves.

A person that is both Economic and Social Liberal is usually a Democrat. The Democrat's major downside is that they will use the power of government to help another individual that they feel cannot take care of themselves, whether or not that person has asked for help.

A person that is an Economic Conservative and a Social Liberal is usually a libertarian. The libertarian feels that individuals should be left alone to make their own decisions and take the consequences for those decisions unless that person asks for help or that person hurts another and only then should the government intervene.

As a society, we should promote libertarian ideology of this definition because it is non-interventional in nature and creates the least amount of friction in the society. Less social friction will always lead to more prosperity and less crime.

Community Law and Order

Our society has blurred the concept of harm by loosening the definition to the point where anyone that feels offended by someone elses ideas also feels they have the right to seek retribution for that percieved offense. They then want that percieved offense prohibited by law and a strict punishment meted out. This way of thinking has muddled our criminal justice system and has led to exclusive law instead of inclusive law (specific law for every infinite number circumstances instead of simple law that includes all circumstances).

The US government at every level must concentrate on its primary role to assist citizens in defending themselves, but first the citizens need a clear definition of crime. There are only two ways that one can harm another, physically or financially, and both usually provide sufficient evidence for compensation of the victim and punishment of the perpetrator. The victim will only choose to come forward if the process is simple and when they think there is strong probability that the perpetrator will be punished. Our current criminal justice system provides neither.

The laws also need to be condensed and simplified so that the average citizen can participate in their government. During the Enron flap I read that there over 3000 laws against fraud, WHY?, fraud is fraud.

If your community wants additional laws locally, so be it, but the definition of harm in Berekeley, CA is very different from the definition of harm in Knoxville, TN. Localized laws allow people to vote with their feet, where nationalized laws make everyone feel trapped.
This idea will never succeed in every community, but it can be done if your community wants to do it. If they don't and you do, maybe its time to move.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Community Law and Order

The One Law is "Never Harm Another for Your Benefit or Pleasure and Always Defend Yourself from Harm by Another".

Our society has blurred the concept of harm by loosening the definition to the point where anyone that feels offended by someone elses ideas also feels they have the right to seek retribution for that percieved offense. They then want that percieved offense prohibited by law and a strict punishment meted out. This way of thinking has muddled our criminal justice system and has led to exclusive law instead of inclusive law (specific law for every infinite number circumstances instead of simple law that includes all circumstances).

The US government at every level must concentrate on its primary role to assist citizens in defending themselves, but first the citizens need a clear definition of crime. There are only two ways that one can harm another, physically or financially, and both usually provide sufficient evidence for compensation of the victim and punishment of the perpetrator. The victim will only choose to come forward if the process is simple and when they think there is strong probability that the perpetrator will be punished. Our current criminal justice system provides neither.

The laws also need to be condensed and simplified so that the average citizen can participate in their government. During the Enron flap I read that there over 3000 laws against fraud, WHY?, fraud is fraud.

If your community wants additional laws locally, so be it, but the definition of harm in Berekeley, CA is very different from the definition of harm in Knoxville, TN. Localized laws allow people to vote with their feet, where nationalized laws make everyone feel trapped.
This idea will never succeed in every community, but it can be done if your community wants to do it. If they don't and you do, maybe its time to move.

Community Law and Order

The One Law is "Never Harm Another for Your Benefit or Pleasure and Always Defend Yourself from Harm by Another".

Our society has blurred the concept of harm by loosening the definition to the point where anyone that feels offended by someone elses ideas also feels they have the right to seek retribution for that percieved offense. They then want that percieved offense prohibited by law and a strict punishment meted out. This way of thinking has muddled our criminal justice system and has led to exclusive law instead of inclusive law (specific law for every infinite number circumstances instead of simple law that includes all circumstances).

The US government at every level must concentrate on its primary role to assist citizens in defending themselves, but first the citizens need a clear definition of crime. There are only two ways that one can harm another, physically or financially, and both usually provide sufficient evidence for compensation of the victim and punishment of the perpetrator. The victim will only choose to come forward if the process is simple and when they think there is strong probability that the perpetrator will be punished. Our current criminal justice system provides neither.

The laws also need to be condensed and simplified so that the average citizen can participate in their government. During the Enron flap I read that there over 3000 laws against fraud, WHY?, fraud is fraud.

If your community wants additional laws locally, so be it, but the definition of harm in Berekeley, CA is very different from the definition of harm in Knoxville, TN. Localized laws allow people to vote with their feet, where nationalized laws make everyone feel trapped.
This idea will never succeed in every community, but it can be done if your community wants to do it. If they don't and you do, maybe its time to move.

Community Law and Order

The One Law is "Never Harm Another for Your Benefit or Pleasure and Always Defend Yourself from Harm by Another".

Our society has blurred the concept of harm by loosening the definition to the point where anyone that feels offended by someone elses ideas also feels they have the right to seek retribution for that percieved offense. They then want that percieved offense prohibited by law and a strict punishment meted out. This way of thinking has muddled our criminal justice system and has led to exclusive law instead of inclusive law (specific law for every infinite number circumstances instead of simple law that includes all circumstances).

The US government at every level must concentrate on its primary role to assist citizens in defending themselves, but first the citizens need a clear definition of crime. There are only two ways that one can harm another, physically or financially, and both usually provide sufficient evidence for compensation of the victim and punishment of the perpetrator. The victim will only choose to come forward if the process is simple and when they think there is strong probability that the perpetrator will be punished. Our current criminal justice system provides neither.

The laws also need to be condensed and simplified so that the average citizen can participate in their government. During the Enron flap I read that there over 3000 laws against fraud, WHY?, fraud is fraud.

If your community wants additional laws locally, so be it, but the definition of harm in Berekeley, CA is very different from the definition of harm in Knoxville, TN. Localized laws allow people to vote with their feet, where nationalized laws make everyone feel trapped.
This idea will never succeed in every community, but it can be done if your community wants to do it. If they don't and you do, maybe its time to move.

Friday, March 04, 2005

OneLawThoughts 2005-03-04

The US Congress should pass a very simple Social Security Reform bill that every citizen can understand. Allow every worker the option to re-direct 4% of their income, out of the 12.4% payroll tax, to their 401K plan and in return except a 33% reduction in retirement benefits. This would be a cost neutral solution that will shift money out of the control of the government and into the control of the private citizen.
If you see someone that you know hurt someone, sooner or later they will hurt you as well and you know it. It will make your life better and easier if you just do not associate with people that hurt others.
Liberals would have better lives if they would just learn to expect others not to harm instead of coming up with myriad excuses for them to justify why they did harm someone.
I would only stop supporting the War in Iraq if the United States kills more civilians than Sadaam did. The peace is almost secured and the US has killed less than a tenth of the people that Sadaam killed and population of Iraq is living a better life and has a great future.
A foreign trade deficit is just another way of measuring the economic charity that the United States is giving the rest of the world.
Anyone that lives in a high crime neighborhood but believes in the One Law principle should convince their neighbors to defend themselves, with the help of the local police, or move to a better neighborhood where people do believe in the One Law.
Your expectations are the most important aspect of your life because your path through life will be determined by these expectations. If you expect that your life will suck and that others will hurt you then I guarantee that your life will suck and others will hurt you. Expect others not to harm you and if they do then get them out of your life.
I do not want to have to worry about what others are doing to me to hurt me. I make my life easier by only associating with people that want to help me and not associating with those that want to harm me.
“Innocent until proven guilty” is also a very good rule to use in everyday life when you are trying to find new friends.
A national consumption tax would:
- Punish opulence and excessive spending.
- Promote productivity.
- Promote conservation of resources and recycling by taxing only new products.
- Tax black market and other undocumented income.
People who believe in the One Law should takeover every level of government. There is a majority of people who believe in the One Law in almost every community. Is yours One of them?
Help your neighbors and expect them to help you in return.
Government taxes consume a great portion of the compensation for the work that I do for others and I do not think I am getting my money’s worth.
If my community demands very little from government we should be allowed to pay very little for that government.
If you really want what is best for others, you would want them to learn the One Law and then live by it.
Quit bitching and propose a solution.
Only One Law communities should be allowed to have a net positive tax flow (more tax money going into the community than is coming out) as an investment in the future.
Require the federal and state governments to provide each local community with simple accounting of all services provided to the community and the costs associated with those services. The federal and state governments should also provide the total amount of tax revenues received from each locality.
Why are the stock market and other financial markets limited only to day trading? With current technology trading could be done 24 hours a day 365 days a year with no increased costs. The day trading limitation only benefits the professional traders at the expense of everyone else.
If you consider yourself to be a good person:
- Presume others to be good people until they prove you wrong.
- Defend yourself from others who are not good people.
There are only two personality types: independent or co-dependent.
- If you expect others to hurt you I am sure that they will meet your expectations.
- If you expect the government to give you free stuff then you are a leech and you should expect others to treat you as a leech.
- If you expect others not to hurt you and you help those that help you, then your life will be filled with good people and happiness.
The One Law is the best cure for co-dependency. You must expect more from yourself than you do from others.
The best contribution you can give to society is to just take care of your own needs and never harm others. In return the society will reward you with a simpler, happier, and better life.
If you do not think the One Law idea can work then you must not believe that it is possible for the people around you to be capable of not hurting you. Your life must suck, why not embrace the One Law and change your life for the better.
I am a recovering co-dependent that cured myself, with the help of my friends and family, in December of 1993. I think that the One Law idea was born at that point; I just didn’t realize it yet.
One Law version – Don’t hurt me and I won’t hurt you. If you help me I will be happy to help you.
Whatever happened to the “Sticks and Stones” rule? These days, if someone is offended by another person’s comment they treat it as a death penalty offense.
If you have never felt that you are paying too much in taxes then you must be stupid or a tax evader. Progressive taxation accomplishes exactly what its name implies; it taxes progress and limits growth.
“Everybody else does it” is always used as an excuse by someone who knows what they are doing is wrong but they are going to do it anyway.
Moderate – I define the political term moderate as being: someone who believes that the right politics for one person may not be the right politics another person and as long as no one is being harmed, then what makes them happy is fine. Non-moderates force their solutions to a problem on someone else even though that may not be the best solution for them.
The Constitutional right to secession does not need to be an entire state leaving the union. The right to secession can be demonstrated by a local government taking over a service that is provided by a higher level of government and providing better service at a lower cost to the taxpayer.
It is your responsibility to get the greatest value for each dollar that you spend either in the private sector or in government taxes. If you do not feel that you are not getting your money’s worth in the private sector you can shop somewhere else. If you do not feel that you are getting your money’s worth out of government then demand tax cuts and a more localized government.
Eliminate government regulation that attempts to show people the best way to do something and make all of those laws advisory only. You cannot force someone to do what you think is best for them if they do not agree, you can only show them the best way and hope they follow. Simplify and strengthen all laws that define punishment of one person that hurts another person.
If a community makes bad decisions then that community should bear the costs of those bad decisions or that community will never have the incentive to learn how to make better decisions.
Do not confuse the society by passing laws that purport to tell them how to be better people or to make their life better. Laws should tell people what the punishment will be if they hurt another.
The more hurtful your intentions are, the worse your life should and will be.