OneLawThoughts 2005-03-11
The One Law is freedom without harm.
To improve the representation of citizens and the communication between representatives and the citizens they represent, public video remote voting on all bills and motions pending before the United States House and Senate should be allowed. This would allow representatives to live in their home district and allow them to spend most of their time with their constituents. Right now representatives spend to much time in Washington, D.C. which results in Washington centric thinking which does represent the views of the constituency. This will also help to shift federal power back to the home districts where it belongs.
One Law Local Secession –
Hold a referendum that determines how many people within the community agree with the One Law and also determines whether the local community would like to allow the local government to take over selected government services that are provided by the state or federal government. Both of these referendums must pass by a Supermajority of 75% to allow the local community to take over government services and the state or federal government must compensate the local government for the reduction of costs associated with the services taken over by the local government.
One year after the first referendum, if the local public is interested, a second referendum may be held to take over all locally provided government services at the local level.
One Law Referendum-
Tell your fellow citizens in your local community, and the rest of the world, that your community believes in the One Law and that you will not harm them. If you have a One Law Supermajority in your local community you should be allowed by the rest of government to take control of your community and to manage it in the way that you and your neighbors would like.
TheOneLaw ≡ Smart – Smart is knowing what is in your best interests.
Smart people scare anyone who wants to control others by force.
Smart people who want to control others by force should scare everyone.
If you can trust your government and fellow citizens to never hurt you unless you hurt another, then you are truly free to do whatever is in your best interests. It is also in the best interest of society to help citizens to get back on their feet after an unexpected fall but is not in the best interests of society to carry a citizen that has the ability to take of themselves. Smart people and smart communities agree with the One Law because they know what is in their best interests.
If help is offered to me, I will happily accept that help. I will not ask for help unless I need it. If someone asks me for help and they need that help then I will provide help to the best of my ability.
My biggest problem with many citizens is that they expect the government to provide them with all of their needs in life but they want another citizen to pay for it.
Let the people, not the centralized government; take care of the needs of the local community. Localized democracy with inclusion of the One Law principles is the perfect form of government.
If you tell your representatives in government that they need to cut taxes and that representative says that the tax cuts will require a reduction police and fire services first, then that representative is an idiot and deserves to be replaced in the next election if not sooner. Every level of government, in every community, has fat that needs to be trimmed and police/fire department cuts comment has become the standard scare tactic used to deter a community from asking for tax cuts.
Social Security Reform and Tax Reform should be combined. Allow workers to direct 4% of their income into their 401K accounts and transfer the remainder of 8.4% taxation to general revenue taxation. Change general revenue taxation to a flat consumption tax that is paid by all citizens on any consumable that they purchase for business or personal reasons. The new law should be written in less than 1000 words that anyone with an eighth grade reading level can understand.
Every law should be written so that everyone that the law applies to can understand that law without years of law school.
If the majority of the people in a community agrees with a proposed solution and that solution does not violate the One Law, then it must be the best solution to the problem.
Do not expect others to help you more than you help them; and always expect them not to hurt you.
You do not have to be religious to understand why the following rules make sense for everyone:
You will not kill
You will not steal
You will not lie
Or the rest of society will treat you as an outcast and remove your support
The One Law is a theory for the best and most efficient operation of any society. You can pick and choose from the ideas that I present and with each idea that becomes part of your life, the better your life will become.
It is a liberal’s natural tendency to prejudiciously side with the weaker of the two parties in any conflict, even if the weaker party is initiating the violence.
You can be superficial and still have good intentions. There are good salesmen and there are bad salesmen but the bad salesmen give all salesman a bad name. Every group must police its members to maintain the good name of the entire group.
TheOneLaw – Do it because it is the right thing to do. Never say that it cannot be done, because it won’t unless you believe in it.
It is in the society’s best interests when each individual takes care of their own needs to the best of their ability.
To civilize any society you must concentrate your efforts on establishing the rule of law that prevents one citizen from physically harming another citizen or; stealing or destroying their property. People will not invest in themselves, their family, or their community if they feel that their investment will be taken from them.
If you are in any type of bad relationship that you feel is harming you; make the smart decision, cut your losses, and walk away. Find friends and associates that will be happy to help you as much as you help them.
Incorporating TheOneLaw into your life is like being “Born Again” without the ‘in your face preachiness’. If you do not like the way another person lives their life; don’t try to convert them, just don’t associate with them.
Most overachievers do not hurt others, they compete. If someone overachieves at hurting others they must be stopped.
If you tell me your problem I will either tell you what has worked for me or I will help you to find the best solution to your problem. I will never make up an answer just so I don’t look stupid.
A job service such as Monster or HotJobs should develop a “dating service” for people looking for jobs, employers, and communities. A questionnaire should be created that matches employment interests and skills, as well as the interests and politics of the local communities. The questionnaire could be voluntarily completed by the job seekers and the current employees of the hiring company. The results of the employee surveys could be correlated by the neighborhood where they live. This would allow the job seeker to be matched, not only with the company, but also with the community. The questionnaire should ask the most contentious issues of politics, religion, sports, etc. with Agree/Disagree/Don’t Care type answers. If an employee is matched to both his job and the community you will have a happy employee that loves his job and his life outside of work.
The United States foreign policy is not unilateral, we just deal with the other countries of the world on our terms and conditions, and we expect them to do the same. It is our responsibility to exclude nations that intend to harm other nations from the positive benefits that associating with the United States can provide. We should only help nations that want to help the United States and that establish the rule of law for their people.
Always try to find the simplest solution to every problem because it will be the cheapest and the most effective solution. The more complicated the solution is, the more expensive it will be, and the less likely the solution will succeed. The One Law solution is simple and inexpensive and only takes your belief to succeed.
Whatever happened to all of the old common sense sayings like?
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”
“Don’t stick your nose where it does not belong.” Etc.
As a society, we need to bring these back because it seems like everyone has forgot them.
If someone asks you a question don’t just make shit up because you don’t want to look dumb. You would look a lot smarter if you said, “I don’t know but I would be happy to help you find the answer if I can.”
Let people do whatever they want to do unless they hurt another.
Launch Email:
Subject: Would You Agree to One Simple Law?
Never harm another for your benefit or pleasure and always defend yourself from harm by another.
If you agree with TheOneLaw, please forward this email to your friends.
If you do not agree, please tell me why at
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Progress always means to find the simpler and cheaper solution to the problem.
Freedom from government through: TheOneLaw Local Secession Project
Establish local control of government with proper compensation from the Federal and State governments for any services that are taken control of locally.
Law version of The One Law: If you harm another intentionally or by your negligence, you must provide proportional compensation to the victim. There are no exceptions to this law for anyone.
Welfare is the unearned transfer of wealth from one citizen to another. You must first provide for yourself to the best of your ability and then ask for help when you need it. If you expect help from others, with no effort on your part to help yourself, then you must expect very poor service.
If you help someone out of the goodness of your heart or if you help someone for equal compensation, you have still helped and the society should thank you for your contribution. If you give to others at least as much as you receive then you are a good person.
If I follow The One Law, then I can be confident that I am always right, and I have no reason to be guilty for anything.
%%The One Law thoughts are the manifesto of a good person.
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