
Never Harm Another for Benefit or Pleasure And Only Expect the Same of Others

Location: Glendale, Wisconsin, United States

Married with two sons. I am an Electrical Controls Engineer that is interested in politics and I have decided to see if I can find a better way for myself, my family, my friends, and my community. I am basing these politics on an idea which I refer to as TheOneLaw: Never Harm Another for Benefit or Pleasure and Only Expect the Same of Others. The majority of people in the US already live by TheOneLaw whether they think of it this way or not. This has allowed the United States to become the best country in the history of the world. From this very simple idea I will be developing a better structure for government that is compatible with the US Constitution. I will also be developing a political platform that is based on TheOneLaw. If there is interest in the idea then I may try to run for office. I would appreciate any comments or assistance in the development of this idea.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Document Federal Domestic Spending by District

It makes sense to analyze the budget and spending for different federal government programs to ensure that they are effective and free of corruption but each program affects each congressional district differently. Some districts utilize programs like food stamps and some don't, some utilize farm subsidies and some don't. My concern is that some congressional districts receive much more money in federal domestic spending per capita than others.

This spending imbalance is sometimes due to having representatives with seniority that are on the powerful appropriation subcommitees or it may due to some representatives and constituencies that whine louder than others. A significant portion of domestic spending never makes it outside of the beltway. I do not believe that the people in Washington, D.C. are smarter than local people on the best solutions for a given congressional district and I do not think that there is a one-size-fits-all-solution for all 300 million U.S. citizens for any issue.

It is time to equalize per capita domestic spending to the congressional district and return spending authority and accountibility to each congressman. The Federal government spends $9000 per man, woman, and child ($2.7 Trillion Federal Budget / 300 million), the states are all at about $4000 per person, my local community spends about $2000 per person. The structure of government is upside down, most of the government services that are important to each of us are delivered at the local level so why tax and spend so much at the Federal level.

The answer is that many people think they are getting something for nothing from the Federal government and accountability for that spending is diffused (the blame is spread). To solve this situation the first step is to document how and where Federal Domestic spending is being spent. Maybe then people will realize that most citizens are not getting their share and maybe then they will work to do something about that.



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