OneLawThoughts 2005-03-23
The only real campaign finance reform is to remove power from your representatives in government. As long as the government has control over this large of a portion of the economy, there will be people who will try to buy favoritism with campaign contributions. Vote for fair and even collection of taxes and local control over the distribution of government services. This will reduce how much money any single government representative has control of and in turn reduce the incentive to attempt to bribe them with campaign cash.
The government is staffed with the same people that the private businesses are staffed with, both government and private companies will always show preference to the highest value customer or taxpayer. If you do not pay taxes, then don’t expect very good service from the government. Try to keep as much of your income as possible through tax cuts and make your own decisions on how that money should be spent to serve your best interests. In the end you will have more money and more happiness.
Both liberals and conservatives attempt to use the government to force others to do what they think is right. A liberal can never be forced to become a conservative and a conservative can never be forced to become a liberal and its time that both liberals and conservatives realize this fact. In the United States we have the freedom to choose how we live our lives and pursue happiness in whatever way we choose as long as we do not hurt others.
If your community is primarily liberal then pass simple liberal local laws or if your community is primarily conservative then pass simple conservative laws. If there are laws that are placed on your local community by the state or federal government that you do not agree with and you can show that rescinding that law will not directly harm anyone then rescind that law and expect compensation for any cost of service from that government.
The primary goal of the One Law is to find a simple plan, which everyone can understand, to make our government better. I am trying to do this but I will need as much help as others are willing to provide in the form of ideas for solutions to the many problems that will be encountered in the process of reforming the government.
Conservatives tend to make laws that tell others what they cannot do; liberals tend to make laws that specify what others should be allowed to do. Libertarians believe that if someone is not hurting anyone then it should not be against the law and if you do harm someone for your benefit or pleasure then you should be held responsible for damages.
This libertarian belief should be expected of all citizens of the United States because it is in the US Constitution and it is the right thing to do for Republicans, conservatives, Democrats, liberals, and every other citizen. Stop punishing other citizens just because they do not agree with your ideals.
Government should be required to provide each citizen with an individual statement of all taxes paid and all services provided just as we expect from every private company that we do business with.
Any law is a reduction of freedom; rescind all laws that dictate the “best” solution for all 280 million citizens of the United States because there is no solution, for any problem, that will be the best for that many people is such diverse communities. Simplify all laws that define the punishment for one individual that harms another, so that the law can be understood by all. A law is only complicated when it provides exclusions and loopholes to allow some to not be held responsible. Restore true freedom.
Freedom requires the presumption of innocence and trust in your fellow citizens that they will not harm you. You will never be able to trust all people in the United States but if you concentrate your efforts on your local community you should be able to accomplish safety and security in the knowledge that your neighbors will not harm you and stop worrying about the problems outside of your community.
Each person has strongly held emotional beliefs on at least one topic. Just make sure that you, or someone else, is being directly harmed before you try to force others to embrace your solution for that topic.
One of my goals with the One Law project is to teach people how to have a better life by not worrying about things that are outside of your control. First you have to decide if you want to have a better life and all that takes is to decide that you want to help and not to harm. You must defend yourself when you have to, but it is easier to avoid bad situations that may lead to problems.
We could simplify the government to the point that everyone could understand what is required of them but if that happened most of the politicians and lawyers would be out of a job. Sounds like a great idea doesn’t it?
The One Law is a principle for living that anyone can and should do. If you can’t or you won’t abide by the One Law then you should be isolated from the rest of society.
Liberals and conservatives have two completely different methods for dealing with a community that they think is bad. The conservatives write laws to throw them in jail and the liberals pay them to be good. Both solutions cost taxpayers outside that community amazing amounts of money but neither solution ever succeeds. Why not just allow the community to take responsibility for the costs and consequences of their actions and help any of the good people in the community to move if they want to move.
The One Law is the perfect filter between your thoughts and your actions. If you have a strong enough filter no harmful thoughts can ever lead to harmful actions. Turn you One Law filter on and have a great life.
It is okay to have any thoughts, good or bad, as long as they do not lead to harmful actions. Do what you want inside your head, but words spoken and actions taken have consequences for which you must take responsibility.
We should ask all of our government representatives to take clear positions on every issue, otherwise how do know they will represent you properly. If they refuse to take clear positions on issues that are important to you, then they are not qualified to represent you.
Every compromise that you make that violates the One Law steals wealth from the whole society and should make your life worse.
The One Law is the only solution that will turn a bad life into a good life from the moment that you choose to implement it. Everyone has a complicated life but the One Law will make all decisions simpler and easier and the results will always be good.
There are a lot of decisions in life. The One Law is always the right decision and everything else is wrong.
If you always try to help yourself and others, then you are a good person. If you try to harm others then you are an evil person. You must decide which type of person that you want to be.
It is perfectly alright for you to not take sides on an issue that you do not understand or that does not effect you. If the issue does not effect you and does not cost you anything it is always better to not take sides. You do not have to research the facts about the issue or worry if you are making the right decision. It’s always easier to just stay out of it.
It is always the victim’s responsibility to seek help and it usually makes it much easier to stop the harm and to hold the criminal responsible. Do your part and make sure that crime does not pay.
Idea for Polling and Research – Verified Anonymous Data – Create a database of information on individuals that is voluntarily provided by the individual on a wide range of topics: medical, spending, interests, politics, etc. The individual would then be able to make that information available to anyone that they want to have it by giving their permission and not allowing any portion of the information to be shared with anyone that they block. This information could also be legally detached from personal identification so that the data could be openly used without fear of that information being used against you. This would allow better and more accurate information on the general public while preventing improper use of personal information.
Freedom combined with the One Law is the perfect government solution for every community in every country. The One Law solution is true civilization.
Your life is as complicated as you decide to make it. Choose the simple path to a better life with the One Law.
Many liberals and conservatives do not expect others to be responsible for their actions because they think that they are not smart enough to make the best decisions for themselves. That attitude is condescending and elitist and it assumes that one person can know more about someone else’s life than that person does and also know what will make them happy. If you expect someone to be irresponsible they will be and that can only lead to bad things for everyone involved. I think that people do not want to hold others responsible to simple rules because they want to get away with breaking those same rules. We should all be able to agree that we do not want others to harm us, so just expect others not to harm you. Each person must decide to do what is in their best interests and it is not your responsibility to assume that they cannot, if they need your help they will ask.
Why do we legislate to the lowest common denominator of 280 million people? We should make clear laws against harm that everyone can understand and legislate our government solutions to problems at the local level.
Big Government is desired and promoted by the controllers (those who tell others what to do) and the controllees (those that want and/or need to be told what to do). One Law Independents (those who are willing to take care of themselves and take responsibility for their actions) are harmed by big government because they are forced to pay taxes for government services that they do not use, want, or need. We should change the government so that it is fair to all and allow those that are willing and able to take care of themselves to opt out of any government provided service and to be compensated for the cost of that service. A strong case can be made for individual opt outs for government provided services based on the First, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
It is not my responsibility to carry another citizen that can walk on their own, but refuses.
Local Public/Private Product (? – or better name) = (Total Local Business/Private Taxes Paid to all levels of Government – Total Local Government Services Provided by all levels of Government) + (Total Local Products/Services Produced – Total Local Products/Services Consumed). The LPPP would provide a good measure of what each local community is providing to or taking from the rest of the state and the United States.
There is a danger when you provide help to someone that does not really need your help. You are teaching them that they do not even have to ask for help that they do not need, to receive help. If this continues the person will learn to expect help from others, whether they need it or not, and they will begin to depend on that help and never bother to learn how to help themselves.
This dependency will always lead to resentment that the help being provided is not enough and the person or persons providing the help will hold power over the beneficiary. If the help would ever be cut off or reduced the person will be unable to meet their own needs and they will then lash out against whomever is providing the help and society for being unfair.
The best help that can be provided is to teach that person how to provide for their own needs instead of teaching them to be dependent on others.
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