
Never Harm Another for Benefit or Pleasure And Only Expect the Same of Others

Location: Glendale, Wisconsin, United States

Married with two sons. I am an Electrical Controls Engineer that is interested in politics and I have decided to see if I can find a better way for myself, my family, my friends, and my community. I am basing these politics on an idea which I refer to as TheOneLaw: Never Harm Another for Benefit or Pleasure and Only Expect the Same of Others. The majority of people in the US already live by TheOneLaw whether they think of it this way or not. This has allowed the United States to become the best country in the history of the world. From this very simple idea I will be developing a better structure for government that is compatible with the US Constitution. I will also be developing a political platform that is based on TheOneLaw. If there is interest in the idea then I may try to run for office. I would appreciate any comments or assistance in the development of this idea.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The One Law Government Solution

The Problem:
About half of the population of the United States usually votes for Liberals / Democrats and about half usually votes for Conservatives / Republicans. Both parties are trying to prove that their way is right and they do this by passing laws and by winning court rulings at the Federal level of government. Liberal people want liberal laws and Conservative people want conservative laws but no law at the Federal level will satisfy the majority of the 280 million people in the United States which results in a majority of unhappy citizens.

Whichever party holds the majority expands the Federal government and adds laws to prove that their ideals are correct for all 280 million United States citizens. Since it is impossible to force a liberal to become a conservative and it is impossible to force a conservative to become a liberal by passing a law, all that results is ever increasing tension and friction between the two sides. The anger and distrust caused by this drags on both the economic and social development of the United States.

Caught in the middle of this argument over ideals is a large group of moderates that believe that a person who is willing and capable of taking care of their own needs, and is not harming others, should not be told what to do by the government or other citizens. Well intentioned people on both sides of the political spectrum write laws that are supposed to help but inside just create a one size fits all solution that can never solve everyone’s problems.

In the course of our everyday lives most of us only interact with a limited number of people: our family, our network of friends, our co-workers, and other people that live in neighborhood and local community. Problems that occur in other parts of our state, and in the other parts of the United States, do not directly effect us personally but can effect us through the State and Federal taxes that we must pay and the State and Federal laws for which we are held accountable. The methods of taxation and the laws that apply to each citizen have become increasingly complex over the years since the founding of our nation.

In our system of government, ignorance of the law is not an allowable excuse, but the law is now so complex that even the most gifted among us could never be expected to know and understand all of the laws for which he or she is responsible. This is unfair to all citizens, but it is especially unfair to citizens that are uneducated or do not have the resources to hire legal assistance.

The solution is to simplify all laws and taxation to the point where it is understandable to all people that are to be held responsible to that law. Criminal law and taxation are the most important because these laws effect the lives of every citizen of the United States.

One barrier to simplifying the laws is that liberals and conservatives (and every other possible group) have different approaches to how laws should be written and it is very difficult to find consensus. Fortunately, most local communities tend to have common roots and political beliefs so it is easier to find consensus at the local level than it is at the state or federal level of government.

Another barrier is the lack of trust and common beliefs between different communities that causes one community to block the changes that are desired in a neighboring community. To overcome this barrier a common belief must be established between the communities. That common belief must establish a trust between the communities so that each community will be allowed to find local solutions to local problems and to simplify the law for all of the citizens.

The final barrier is that we have prioritized our government so that the next higher level of government can veto any changes to law that are passed at the local level, even if those changes are desired by the local citizens and those changes will not harm anyone outside of that community. The precedence of law and government must be changed so that the adjacent communities, State, and Federal government may only override local laws that cause harm to others outside of that local community or local laws that legalize the harm of one individual or group by another individual or group.

The One Law Solution

Local control would be granted to the Local Government by the appropriate State and Federal governments to any community that passes the One Law Referendum by a 75% Supermajority. All adjacent communities would be allowed the opportunity to veto Local control by the petitioning community with a 75% Supermajority vote against the One Law Referendum.

Authorization for this change in government structure is contained in the First, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution that reserve the primary power of control over the United States government to the people of the United States.

Goals of the One Law Government Solution:

  • Local government control of all laws that effect the citizens of the local community.
  • Local government control of 50% of current tax revenues, which are paid to the State and Federal governments by the taxpayers of that local community.
  • Local control over the type and method of taxation that would be used to collect revenues, which would pay for Local, State, and Federal tax revenue demands.

One Law Referendum
The One Law Referendum is an individual and personal pledge, through your vote in favor of the referendum, that you will embrace the One Law and live by these principles:

  • You will always do what you feel is in your best interests and in the best interests of all people that are effected by your action.
  • You will always defend yourself from harm by another.
  • You will never harm another for your benefit or pleasure.

Your pledge to abide by the One Law will tell the citizens of your community that they may trust you to live among them without fear of harm by you and if harm is committed by any member of the community that person will be held responsible for proportional compensation to the victim. This trust would extend to all of the surrounding communities that members of your community will not harm them and if they do they will be held responsible.

One Law Candidate Project

The One Law Candidate Project will seek candidates from all political parties that agree with the One Law principle and also have a constituency in their local community that agrees with the One Law principle. These candidates would use the One Law as the basis of their campaign for election to any level of government representation as a candidate of their current party. If there is a strong majority of people in the local community that agree with the One Law principle of government then the One Law Referendum process could be attempted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:01 PM  
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8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still waiting for your reply
to my email.
let's get started...


7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following is the intro to my analysis,
 perhaps of interest to you and others of similar interests.

If you find this part intersting, I can email the rest for your perusal.

Paul E. Anderson

©2006 Paul E. Anderson

All rights reserved.
Portions of this book may be reproduced or
used for public discussion.

Manufactured in the United
States of America

Cover design by Paul E. Anderson

For Kris, April, Erien, and Elle -

It is not laws that must be made constitutional,
 but rather constitutions that must be made legitimate.
We are all as children of strange worlds
who must strive to govern our alien selfs.
The One Law defines what we can do,
our constitution defines what we can become.


The purpose of this work is explore the primary features of the One Law and
its implementation.

Long a vague concept of groups such as libertarians, the One Law has been
erroneously perceived as a simple 'live and let live' philosophy.
The full import of the One Law has ramifications that greatly exceed the
 scope of previous presentations.
The One Law is not merely a rallying cry or a legal phrase in need of
 judicial enforcement.

It is a natural law of social interaction which is physical and immediate in
its execution,
and as immutable as the fundamental principles of physical sciences.

It is a universal principle applicable to acts by and relationships between
any sentient beings in this universe.

The artificial legal systems we all strive under are, at some level, inspired
by or constructed upon some aspect of the One Law.
 By understanding what the One Law is and what it means we can define and
 live better lives in true freedom and liberty.


The One Law

No Being shall harm another Being.

The One Law describes a realm.

This realm is defined by the acts of its constituents.
The constituents of this realm do not harm one another.
Those who commit acts of harm are excluded from the realm of the One Law.
Thus, the One Law automatically exiles those who cause harm.
Whoever harms a constituent of the realm of the One Law is defined as having
abandoned the realm of the One Law.
This changes the status of the one who causes harm,
 from being inside the realm of the One Law to being outside the realm of the
One Law.

What is harm?
Harm is the violation of any of the natural rights of the constituents of the

Any being within the realm of the One Law has all natural freedom to act in
any manner which harms no other being.
Any being within the realm of the One Law has all natural liberty from
coercion by others.
Any being within the realm of the One Law has the right to health and life
undiminished by others.
Any being within the realm of the One Law has the right to property inviolate
or taxed by others.
Any being within the realm of the One Law has the right to enter into any
relationship, agreement or contract
 with others which does not in any any manner violate the One Law.

The One Law does not call for enforcement by external authority,
 which, by definition,
 would be a form of harm in and of itself. Within the realm of the One Law,
 constituents are protected by the self-governance of those around them.
This protection is prerequisite to the survival of the realm.

Any sentient creature competent of decision may become a Being under the
protection of the One Law.

Scope of The One Law

The One Law applies to actions and relationships between sentient creatures,
inclusive of their natural rights.

Relationships are defined by actions.

Actions which transgress the One Law define those who are outside the realm
 of the One Law.

Actions create and affect the relationships between creatures -
 the effect of an action decides the resulting relationships.
Any action by a sentient being involves intent and effect,
 but only effect can be measured and judged whereas intent is merely a
perception subject to the whims of emotion.

The effects of actions compliant with the One Law do not alter the
relationships between Beings adhering to the One Law.

Punishment is not recognized under the One Law realm except as harm.
Restitution is the only manner in which an entity violating the One Law can
return to the realm of the One Law.


7:10 PM  

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