The One Development Thoughts 2005-01-26
The foreign policy of the United States should be similar to that of Gort the robot in the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still”. State to other nations of the world that as long as their problems are kept within their borders and no threats of harm or actual harm is committed to others outside of their borders they will be left alone. As soon as a nation threatens another nation, the world community will take action to prevent that threat from being acted on.
Any religion that promotes the harm of another or must use force to grow its membership is a false religion. Any individual member that harms another in the name of that religion or its deity is still guilty and responsible for the harm.
The simpler, the better. Our government is not simple and it definitely could be better.
There is no excuse or justification for intentionally harming another or for not defending yourself from harm.
If you feel that someone is harming you then you must either defend yourself or separate yourself from the harm and seek assistance if needed.
Any harm to another is ultimately a drain on the entire community and harms everyone.
If the people in your community believe that crime pays but you do not, Move!
Being overly emotional is not a good trait for making decisions that are important to you. Strong emotions are a great motivator to action, but the action taken must be based on the facts and historical precedence.
Every time a section of laws is to be modified by legislation the entire section should be made simpler by combining and clarifying the statute instead of just adding to it.
Help those that want to help you and resist or avoid those who would harm you. People that survive by harming others need the submissive from which they can feed. If these people are allowed to thrive it is guaranteed that your community will be crime ridden and impoverished.
Crime always leads to poverty; low incomes do not always lead to crime. Communities such as the Amish may not have incomes comparable to the average society but their crime rates are lower than the average society.
The actions of every citizen either contribute to the community or take from the community. As a society we should promote the people who contribute and discourage those that harm.
In a perfect society what each person would expect from others would be equal to their contribution to society. In a bad society people always expect something for nothing.
There are only two choices in every decision. Do what is best for everyone or try to get what you want no matter who it hurts.
If your god tells you to harm others to get your way then you worship a false god.
The One Law is right because there is no situation where The One Law can be proven to be wrong.
Force the government to compete with the private sector for all services. Allow individual opt outs for any government provided service and allow a tax credit to the individual for the per person cost of that service.
If the goal of publicly funded education is to provide the best education possible for the children of the community then the parents should be provided with a voucher for each child that they have in school and the parent should choose which school their child will attend. If the parent chooses the local government school the voucher would be accepted with no additional tuition fees. If a private school is selected the parent would be responsible to pay the additional tuition fees as necessary. The local school board would determine the value of the voucher based on community input.
The government is just a tool of the citizens that live within that political boundary. Representative governments are normally used to help the people of the community but if special interest groups gain too much power and influence the government can be used to reward one group in the community at the expense of another group or to coerce one group in the community for the benefit of another group. Always stay on guard that your government is doing what is best for everyone. If not, reduce the power the government through tax cuts.
Every person knows when they are harming another whether they want to admit it to themselves or not.
The government should never pay a citizen to be good because it never works. The government should never punish a citizen that is not harming anyone just because other citizens feel what they are doing is wrong.
It does not matter how much personal information that someone has about you as long as the government will defend you if that information is used to harm you.
I think that a government database of all of your personal information would be a great thing if you were given the ability to control what information is available and who is allowed to use it. This database could store biometrics for positive identification for public transactions.
All government social services should be controlled and provided by the local government. A social service budget should be determined at the state and federal levels and the money equally divided by the number of people and distributed to the local government based on local population.
If you do not believe in the goal of civilizing the whole world, I ask, Why Not???
Every local government should determine the net tax flow either into or out of that local community and publish the results. This would allow all local communities to determine what government programs are working and which are not.
A centralized form of government will always create tension between communities because the central government will have to develop “one size fits all” solutions that will never work for everyone. Unequally shared revenues from the central government will also cause tension between communities and always leaves everyone feeling screwed. All shared revenue should be evenly distributed.
There should be no laws that apply to the individual citizen above the local level. If the majority of the local citizens cannot understand the laws that apply to them they will be unable to comply and if the local community does not agree with the law it will never be followed.