
Never Harm Another for Benefit or Pleasure And Only Expect the Same of Others

Location: Glendale, Wisconsin, United States

Married with two sons. I am an Electrical Controls Engineer that is interested in politics and I have decided to see if I can find a better way for myself, my family, my friends, and my community. I am basing these politics on an idea which I refer to as TheOneLaw: Never Harm Another for Benefit or Pleasure and Only Expect the Same of Others. The majority of people in the US already live by TheOneLaw whether they think of it this way or not. This has allowed the United States to become the best country in the history of the world. From this very simple idea I will be developing a better structure for government that is compatible with the US Constitution. I will also be developing a political platform that is based on TheOneLaw. If there is interest in the idea then I may try to run for office. I would appreciate any comments or assistance in the development of this idea.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

OneLawThoughts 2005-04-01

Liberal Economics – If a person needs a product or service to survive they should get it free.
Conservative Economics – If a person does not need a product or service to survive then they should not have it, especially if it is fun.
One Law Independent Economics – If you think that you need a particular product or service then you should pay a reasonable price for it out of your money or you can barter for it.
Rules of Help for Different Types of People –
One Law Independents – If help is needed will ask for it and expect to pay a reasonable fee. If help is needed and asked for by another then it is provided.
Liberals – If help is needed, expects others to provide help free of charge. Assumes that everyone needs help and will provide that help whether it is wanted or not.
Conservatives – Never needs help and will never ask for it. Feels that no one else should need help either.
Dependents – Always need help but will never expect to pay for help. Never provides help to others.
A perfect political society would consist of 100% One Law Independents. This will rarely occur but it is a great goal to attempt to achieve.
I would never force TheOneLaw on anyone because this would violate every premise of TheOneLaw. It is a very easy ideology to understand but deciding that TheOneLaw is in your best interests is the hard part but once you it will immediately make your life better.
People think it is okay to pass a law that tells everyone how they must live their lives because they are afraid to tell one person that they are harming someone by their actions. We must judge the people that we interact with everyday on only one basis, if they are hurting others they must be made to stop and it does not take another law for that to happen.
Write a local law for your community that simply states that if a person harms another against their will they will be caught and proportionally punished by the government. If you are not harming anyone you may not be presumed guilty by your neighbors and the government should have no mandate to interfere with your life.
If you say that TheOneLaw idea will never work then you must not trust your neighbors to be good people and you should probably move to someplace better.
In the United States each citizen is part of the government. If you do not like what your local government is doing then change it or reduce taxes to starve it.
Liberals economically discriminate and Conservatives socially discriminate and unfortunately both try to force others to do the same. If you are not hurting others by your actions then be yourself and tell anyone that interferes with you to mind their own business.
Only demand one thing of others, don’t hurt me and I will not hurt you.
Ask yourself why you need to get your opinion placed in law that effects many others outside of your community, that do not live in the same situation, and cannot effect your daily life. I you think you have found a good solution to a problem then convince your neighbors and implement the solution locally. If people outside of your community have the same problem you can recommend your solution and show them that it can work, and if they want they can implement that solution as well. Do not force your solutions on others because you may not be aware of all the details and your solution may not be the right one for their community. If you force solutions on others it will lead to frustration, wasted money, and a problem that is still not solved. Only worry about your life and all of the people that are important in your life and never get angry because you are unable to control what is outside of your reach.
Liberal Response to a Problem: Oh those poor people!!! The government must do something to help them.
Conservative Response to a Problem: Those idiots!! Now they will expect the government to bail them out.
One Law Independent Response to a Problem: Is there anything we can do to help?
If you lie about something to make yourself feel better or if you lie about something because you think it will make someone else feel better, you have still lied and you are wrong. Only the truth will help in any situation.
Terry Schiavo – The bottom line is that she was killed by the government and her former husband even though their were plenty of people that were willing to take care of her needs. That is just not right.
If all of the environmental groups would spend more money on projects that directly improved the environment and less money lobbying politicians for money and laws, they would accomplish so much more for their stated goals.
You should follow no one and you should be whoever you want to be. As long as you do not harm others you should be left alone to have a great life.
Please tell me how your life could be bad if all of your friends and neighbors believed in TheOneLaw.
Your response to minor One Law violations should be the similar to the way you train a puppy. Just repeat the phrase, “No Biting”, until it stops.
Just imagine how free your life would be if you knew that your neighbors would never intentionally harm you.
Hurting others should never be profitable for anyone.
There are always three sides in every decision where action is taken and each side could be helped or harmed. It is your responsibility, in any decision that you are part of, to ensure that no one is harmed and if they are it is your responsibility to ensure they are justly compensated.
WWJD – Ask others to abide by the One Law.
Three Parts of any Decision –
It is always your decision to do what is in your best interests.
You should try to do what is in everyone’s best interests but you may have incomplete information about all people involved.
It is Non-Negotiable that you must never harm another for your benefit or pleasure.
In our society you are only held down as much as you allow yourself to be. Do whatever you want to do, do not hurt others, and ask others to do the same.
There is a spark of freedom in everyone but some want to use that freedom to harm others. Full freedom requires that every person take action against those that would harm others.
What religious or racial groups that live in a community do not determine how good the community will or won’t be. All that matters is that if each person tries to help and never tries to harm then it will be a good and strong community.
One Law Guarantee – If you believe in the One Law and you ask others around you to do the same, then you will have a great life.
The One Law does not require a conversion or a re-birth, it is a self recognition. If you ARE a good person only you can make that realization. If you do not try to hurt others and you expect them to do the same, then you are a good person.
It would be positive publicity for any company to self declare themselves to be One Law compliant and also very easy to police by their customers.
The War on Terror – Our goal is to kill anyone who kills others indiscriminately.
If you would never expect people, that you do not know, to have good intentions towards you, maybe that is because you do not have good intentions towards them. If you expect everyone around you to hurt you then they probably will. Great expectations lead to great outcomes but just demand that others not hurt you.
Please try to never be pessimistic about the One Law because without your belief and help it will not succeed in your community. Success of the One Law will be good for all of us.
I may not be a perfect father but at least I am trying to teach my children to not hurt others over everything else. If you concentrate on that simple lesson you will be a good parent and you will raise good children.
Politics do not need to be adversarial; it is that way because each group is constantly trying to gain preference over the other groups.
There are too many people that participate in organized religions that believe that their contributions on Sunday absolve them from all of the bad things that they do during the week. You must try not to harm others on every day of the week and you should be forgiven if you make a mistake for which you are truly sorry and are willing to make amends.
You must provide a product or service to your family, your employer, and/or your friends so that they will repay you, in kind, so that you can take care of your needs. Any harm committed by one person against another must be stopped because it steals resources and spirit from the entire community.
It’s your job to take care of yourself, not mine. If you need help then ask for help from your community. If you are willing to do your part to help yourself, your community will assist you.
We need Federal law to mandate the equalization of social services spending by population of each congressional district. This would assure that you, and your community, are receiving a fair share of the national wealth.
If you are unable to take care of your own affairs then seek assistance from your community and your Local government. Your Local government should ensure that your community is receiving its fair share from the State and Federal governments.
If you spread risk too far you will always lose accountability.
Civilized discourse does not mean that you cannot tell someone that they are wrong when they are wrong. Civilized discourse just means you cannot personally attack someone.
Yes, I can take responsibility for my bad habits that could lead to health and social problems. I believe that the risk of these bad habits are tolerable as long as I have fun but I also try to avoid ever harming anyone in the process.
I will admit it, I am a Homebrewer and I really like to drink my beer.
If you like to do things for others, I want you to be compensated for your efforts. If you can take care of your needs, I don’t think you should have to also pay high taxes to pay for the needs of those that refuse to take care of their own needs. If both taxation and revenue distribution are reformed so that they are fair to all our whole society will prosper.
The One Law solution is to simply hold yourself, your family, your friends, and your neighbors to the One Law.

Don’t hurt me and I promise that I will not hurt you. If you need help then ask and I will help if I can. If you hurt me expect to be held accountable and if I hurt you I will expect to pay compensation.
Character is always more important than ability. If someone is trying to hurt you, the more ability they have, the worse it is for you. If someone has the character to believe in the One Law then they will always be able to assist you.
The One Law is easy enough for everyone to understand and it is easy to follow if your heart is in it. Your life will improve the moment you decide to follow the One Law.
Conservatives will force people to not hurt themselves and Liberals will pay people to hurt themselves. I just want people to take responsibility for their own actions and expect others to do the same.
The crime rate in your neighborhood will meet your expectations. If you allow your neighbors to harm others, and you do not do anything about it, then your neighborhood will always be impoverished no matter how much outside government assistance it receives.
Too much money controlled too few people, whether in government or private business, will lead to influence problems. Make your own decisions on how to spend every dollar that you earn and you cannot be screwed by others.
You, and only you, can be responsible for your purchases. If you try to live an opulent life on a pauper’s salary then you will be poor and miserable. If you spend your money wisely on things that you really need, you will have a rich life.
If you need anyone more than they need you, then you will resent them for the power that they hold over you. Learn how to take care of your needs, help those that help you, and your life will be happy.
Any government subsidy of privately purchased goods will reduce the store price but the total cost of the subsidy and the purchase price will always be higher than the purchase price without subsidy. This is because subsidies distort the free market and create inefficiencies.
Tax proportionally to the monetary control of the individual and distribute government services equally per capita to the Local level. You can keep track of how your government share is being spent and the representative is close by if you have questions.
In the private sector, if you control the budget of a very large project and that project fails to return the investment due to incompetence, you will be fired. In the government, if you control the budget of a very large project and that project does not meet expectations or costs significantly more than budget, you are re-elected and you can then raise taxes to make up for the cost overruns.
If your Local community asks for government revenue equalization by a 75% Supermajority the State and Federal governments should be forced to provide those revenues if your community is not receiving its share per capita.
I plan for what can happen, not for what I hope will happen.
There is a direct correlation between government social spending and required law enforcement spending. If you reduce the crime in your neighborhood you can reduce social spending and law enforcement spending and lower taxes.
Email: Subject: I know that you cannot be a philosopher in your home town, but…
Please visit my website and my blog at . If you agree with the ideas that I present please forward this email to anyone that you think may be interested.
If you get a product or service from the government it is not free, the cost is distributed and always more expensive than it would be in the private sector. There is no free lunch, you will pay for one way or another in the end.
If you force help on someone that does not want your help, then you are harming them.
I am not trying to be popular; I am trying to be right.
Simple Government:
Pay your fair share based on how much you consume and your community will receive its fair share based on population.
One Law: Ask for help if you need it and demand that others not harm you.
Demand Help is an oxymoron.
One Law Pledge: Don’t hurt me and I promise I will never try to hurt you. If I do hurt you I will compensate you for your damages.
“The Meaning of Life” is The One Law.
You should always disown the extremists even if they are on your side of the argument. Nothing productive will ever come from extremism.
Adopt your own version of the One Law that will fit your life the best. As long as you try not to hurt others, you do what you can to help, and you do not support or defend someone that you know has harmed others, you are guaranteed to have a great life.
The One Law: Don’t harm me and I promise I will not harm you. Harm another and you will be made to pay retribution.


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